Sunday, 23 September 2012

alhamdulillah, it's been a week since my first day register as UTPian

nothing's still using the same legs,the same hands,the same head and everything are the same.
but somehow,i think there is one thing begin to  change slowly (it takes time to be fully change). it's my heart..
i love the environment here.well, the weather are quite hot as compared to puncak alam.but i feel like im living in a very safe condition. why safe? everybody knows UTP is 'UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI PETRONAS'...the moto is 'FUTURE ENGINEER'. it's simple. mostly about engineering. im not going to promote UTP because of its moto. just now i said, i like the environment here. the environment which i failed to get at UiTM Puncak Alam (PALAM). what is it?
 i feel safe?? by what??
let me tell you this.
 i've gone through my orientation. 
throughout this orientation,
the facilitators kept telling us to mind our distance between gender.
yes, other institution so far,did remind us to do that but it was told only once.
here... the faci(s) kept telling us that....every time. even when we're doing group discussion.
the faci(s) are very kind.i think. they treat us as a sister and brother (?). maybe not but they are very friendly. very2 friendly.
it's not only about the gap.
the senior(s) and junior(s)
are very commited in terms of taking care of our faith. 
many of them are willing to come to the new student's village 
in order to make some sharing session which is called usrah or taklim by some peoples.
yes, we do have smart group which the role are the same as usrah and taklim but then
the content are different. i learned many new things everyday. yes i may not remember all the hadith or Quran verse(s) that they had told me.
but in a way, i found the other me
alhamdulillah, i had been accepted as  rakan masjid ( one of the student body at utp ). 
im not holding any position.just  a member of rakan masjid. some might say: "takpelah...kau mmg baik.mmg sesuai masuk rakan masjid"
but then rakan masjid is not for those who are kind or 'alim' or whatsoever you name it,
it's the place for those who want to be a better person.
a friend of mine used to say "orang yg soleh solehah bukan org yg pakai tudung labuh,pakai kopiah serban,tp org yg sentiasa memperbaiki diri."
think about it. don't you think that is true? a fact i think. trying to change. when i was at puncak alam, i did joined taklim but it's different here.

better muslimah

just now, one of my senior said...paradise is great,awesome,'terbaik' and so on..
 but then there is one thing which is greater...

what is it?
it is
the pleasure of ALLAH.
 the QURAN verse to prove it.i will update it very soon.
so goodnite. this is my story for this week.
jazakalallahu khairan.

Friday, 7 September 2012

long distance relationship~

dah bertahun rasanya kita tidak bersua muka...
facebook dan teks mesej 
setia menjadi pengikat antara kita.
pertemuan pertama antara kita
langsung tidak memberi erti
kau dan aku
diam menyepi..
masing2 bisu tidak terketik
tidak terlintas dihati untuk bertegur sapa
apatah lagi bergurau senda

tidak ku jangka...
kita pergi sejauh ini..
hari demi hari..
jarak yg luas semakin kecil..
dan akhirnya 
kita berakhir dengan ikatan sahabat baik...
amat rapat.
pertemuan semula minggu lalu,
menjadi momen manis buat kami berdua..
momen yg sekian lama ditunggu-tunggu
akhirnya menjelma...

hehe..siapakah beliau??
post ini merupakan janji ku kepada beliau...
yes..janji utk menceritakan tentang beliau dlm blok ku..
me and the moon

gmbr di atas merupakan kenangan terakhir saya bersama siti munirah binti mhd yusof.
ini adalah gmbr yg diambil ketika  jamuan makan malam tingkatan 3 2008..
pd 2009, cik siti ini telah berpindah ke MRSM Taiping, Perak.
pd awalnya, kami tidak begitu rapat..walaupun kami satu homeroom..
cik siti ni pun agak sombong pada dasarnya..
memang diakui,setelah jd mcm adik beradik pun..masih sombong lg...
beliau seorang yg perahsia..
yela...ada blog pun...hanya org trtntu shj yg dpt acces ke blog miliknya..
blog yg comel...bukan background,tp gaya penulisannya..
nak link blog?? remain as a secret.i dont have the permission to tell u guys. :)
yg menambah kespecialan cik siti ini ialah,walaupun pada dasarnya beliau merupakan seorg yg sombong
dalamannya bersifat kelembutan (cewah!)
penuh dgn sifat kemanjaan (haha!)..
serious..that's why i treat her as my younger sister..
 winkwink  *^.^

Thursday, 6 September 2012


post kali ni merupakan post yg tulus ikhlas yg lahir dr hati sanubari aku..why?sblm ni aq tulis x ikhlas ke?eh nk bg ayat cm gempak j..haha.. :D
kadang2 rasa macam loser kan sbb kt xthu apa2 psl org yg kt syg... feveret colour,foddfood,drink, and whatsoever.......yes im like that...not that i doesn't care, it's just one of my weakness to remember all those things..tettttt~
aku kesal....sebab aq mmg susah nk igt.seriously...